New Facilitator's Registration
& Annual Renewal
Follow the link below to the TIYT™ Clinical Facilitator registration page.
You only need to register once, then renew annually.
To Access Overcome materials, use the "Facilitator's Resources" link
New TIYT™ Clinical Facilitator Interns:
To register for access to the Overcome Clinic Materials to use in your internship or for facilitating the Overcome Clinic in the future. Please use the access code your mentor gave you.
Returning TIYT™ Certified Clinical Facilitators:
This is where you renew your annual access.
Facilitator's Teaching Resources
Follow the link below to login to the TIYT™ Clinical Facilitator teaching materials access.
You will be asked to Log in for access.
Please note: the message says "Sign Up" in large print - you are already signed up if you have registered and paid your annual access fees.
Please use the "log in" option (in smaller print).